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World Book eBooks: Frequently Asked Questions

This page is devoted to answering some frequently asked questions regarding the World Book eBook platform. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Customer Service.

  1. Q: Is there a complete title list of the ebooks on the platform?
    A: Yes! We have a World Book eBooks Title List Google sheet that includes all ebook metadata, including Lexile Measures, AR levels, interest level, series titles, copyright year, and more.

  2. Q: Is there a customer training video that I can watch to learn more about the features and functionality of the World Book eBooks website?
    A: Yep! Enjoy the video at right.

  3. Q: Is there a World Book eBooks app?
    A: Yes! The World Book eBooks app is available for tablets and smartphones! Users can download the app for free through the Apple App Store or Google Play. Please see the following list of optimized smartphone devices and operating systems:
    • iPhone 6 and above
    • Apple devices must be on iOS 9 and above
    • Samsung GALAXY
    • Google Nexus
    • Android devices must be on 4.4 (KitKat) and above

  4. Q: Will users need a username and password to download eBooks and use the eBooks app?
    A: Yes. Users need to log in to the app using their personal eBooks account. For users familiar with World Book, you can also use your My Research account. Don't have an account? Create one here!

  5. Q: Where can users download MARC records for eBooks?
    A: Users can download MARC records through their World Book My Account. After signing in, choose the "Downloads" link from the top horizontal menu and you will see a link to download your Ebook MARC records in the menu on the left.

  6. Q:Which internet browsers can I use for World Book eBooks?
    A: World Book eBooks is compatible with the following Internet browsers:
    • Google Chrome: Chrome 58 and higher
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Mozilla Firefox: Version 51 and higher
    • Safari: Version 8 and higher

  7. Q: Are there any recommended settings for browsers to use World Book eBooks?
    A: World Book recommends the following settings for best performance:
    • Cookies should be enabled
    • Pop-up windows should be enabled
    • Javascript should be enabled

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