
Resource Guides

Resource Guides provide in-depth information on a select topic and link to a wealth of resources within Student. They also offer links to curriculum and achievement standards, as well as study skills information, including tips on how to research and write reports and speeches.

Resource guides are one of the search result categories when users conduct a search in Student. Simply perform a search for your topic, then click Resource Guides on the search results page.

search results resource guides button

Users can also browse Resource Guides by going to Advanced Search → Browse Resource Guides.

advanced search button
browse resource guides button

Some guides will contain more links than others.

Links in the Jump to Section menu take users to encyclopedia articles, media, study questions, book suggestions, periodicals, websites, historical articles, and study skills information. Note: Links will only appear if the resource guide contains the respective category.

jump to section sample

Encyclopedia articles links are arranged by topic.

encyclopedia articles sample

A selection of media, including images, maps, sounds, and videos, displays below the encyclopedia articles.

media sample

Books to read appear at the very bottom.

books sample