

Early Learning has a variety of stories organized by topic. These include fairy tales and fables, nursery rhymes, and stories in Spanish. Every story can be read-aloud with the click of a button.


  1. Click on the blue Stories icon.
  2. Choose a category by scrolling through the thumbnails at the top. These categories match the content worlds found on the homepage as well as a few additional categories such as "Fairy Tales and Fables", "Nursery Rhymes and Songs", and "Libros en español".

    Find "Fairy Tales and Fables" under the frog prince symbol, "Nursery Rhymes and Songs" under the music note, and "Libros en español" by clicking the Ñ symbol.

  3. Click on a story to open the text.
  4. Begin reading. To have the story read aloud to you, click the blue speaker button. Texts within Nursery Rhymes and Songs will be sung to you!
    speaker icon
  5. To navigate through the book, use the arrows at the bottom of the page.
  6. Use the Copy URL button to easily copy and share the story.
    exit the book
  7. To exit out of the book at any time, click the red X in the top right corner.
    exit the book
  8. When you finish the book, you can Read Again or choose a similar story to read.
    read again