
Find downloadable quizzes and worksheets

Many eBooks have downloadable quizzes or worksheets to accompany the text. Some are found directly on the book in the eBook library, others can be found here on the Training Guide.

eBook Platform

All World Book eBooks have a quiz to accompany the text. These can be downloaded directly from the eBook.

  1. Locate the desired title and click the "i" for more information.
    more info
  2. Click Download-ebook-Quiz.
    download quiz
  3. Print and share! quiz

Some eBooks have shorter check-in activities like "True or False" and matching. For more information on resources within eBooks click here.

eBook Title List

You can also find out which titles have a downloadable quiz or other built-in activities on our eBook Title list.

This list is a Google Sheet with information on every eBook on our site and includes:

  • ISBN
  • Book details such as title, author, description, pages, and more
  • World Book details such as category, series, and grade range
  • Lexile measure
  • Accelerated reader information
  • Book resources such as read-aloud, embedded quizzes
  • Book links (downloadable quizzes and direct urls)

Training Guide

There are ready-made materials to coincide with many eBooks found under Free Material on the Training Guide.

Users can easily download these to print and distribute, or email the link to share them digitally.
